Nagarathar Physicians Of North America
Non-Profit Organization EIN: 83-2131663
IRS 501C(3) Tax-Exempt Medical & Charitable Organization
Dr. Palaniappan Manickam M.D, MPH
Topic: Fatty Liver in India population
Recently, Fatty liver is becoming more prevalent in South Asian countries – in particular – in Indians. Determining the etiology, diagnosis and treatment options will be discussed in this lecture.
Be able to diagnose fatty liver
Be able to order the correct investigation
To understand the treatment options
Dr. Palaniappan Manickam has completed his medical school in PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore, TamilNadu. He did his Masters in Public Health in University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He did his residency in Wayne state University school of medicine, Detroit, Michigan. He served as Chief resident in the same program and did his fellowship in William Beaumont Oakland University School of Medicine, Royal Oak, Michigan. He has authored gastroenterology related research studies in peer reviewed journals. He lives with his wife Priya and has a 2 year old son Arjun.