Nagarathar Physicians Of North America
Non-Profit Organization EIN: 83-2131663
IRS 501C(3) Tax-Exempt Medical & Charitable Organization

Dear NPNA Members,
NPNA had a successful and glorious 2018 with the support of numerous physicians and is poised for a successful 2019 with events, benefits and programs.
2018 Significant Accomplishments
NPNA was inaugurated and first conference with Continuing Medical Education credits held on September 28- 30, 2018. Executive committee and the board was formed.
NPNA was registered with United States Oregon government secretary of state as a nonprofit organization.
501C tax exempt status with IRS filed.
All Committees and Advisory Council were established.
Online paid memberships started on December 8, 2018.
Memberships were opened for North American and international Nagarathar physicians and Allied health (North America only).
NPNA planned, initiated and played a pivotal role in creation of Nagarathar Doctors Association of India.
NPNA becomes the first ever global Nagarathar physicians and Allied health medical Association creating history .
2019 Programs & Plans
Medical webinar series to be launched soon. First ever in Nagarathar physicians history and successful test webinar was completed recently.
Community education for Nagarathar public through webinar health series will be started in the near future.
Lake Tahoe in Nevada was finalized as picnic-tour destination for NPNA members with CME and workshop activities.
Lake Tahoe picnic-tour with various fun activities including biking, hiking , beach activities is planned for Labor Day weekend 2019.
NPNA members are requested to block the dates for this picnic-tour.
NPNA board will shortly start discussing and plan for 2020 Scientific meeting and conference.
Community education - An appropriate service platform for NPNA physicians and allied health to interact & educate Nagarathar Community members in North America and globally will be created with NO legal physician patient relationship or any responsibility whatsoever.
NPNA is contracting with several benefit partners to bring in various benefits to members.
Resources for students, residents, fellows and links to it will be established on NPNA website.
All social media accounts will be established.
NPNA welcomes suggestions, feedback and ideas for programs from all physicians and Allied health.
Write to:
Become a member today, encourage other Nagarathar physicians and Allied health to join at:
Article of the month:
“Almost everything you think you know about the health effects of cannabis, almost everything advocates and the media have told you for a generation, is wrong.”
Best Regards,