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Dr. Chidambaram M. Yegappan M.B.B.S FRCP (Glasg) FRCPC FACP

Diplomat of Queen Sq. Institute of Neurology (UK)

Current positions:

Associate Professor of Medicine McMaster University Hamilton Ontario

Staff Neurologist: Hamilton health sciences Corporation Hamilton


Academic Background:

Faculty Appointment

Associate Professor of Medicine McMaster University 2003-

Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine McMaster University 1998-2003

Clinical Assistant professor (Provost)-University of Western Ontario 2000-2005

Assistant Professor of Medicine (Neurology) Memorial University:  1994-1998


Neurology Residency Program Director-Memorial University 1995-98

Neurology program Director-McMaster University 2005- 2014

Director- Stroke Service St. Joseph’s Healthcare 2006-2014

Visiting Professor IPoKRATES-Munich 2007- 2009

McMaster overseas teaching-kampala-uganda-2014 

Tele stroke Consultant-Ontario Telemedicine2011- 2016



Best Teacher: Niagara Clinical Unit

                          Medicine Subspecialty McMaster

                          Neurology Residents

                          Postgraduate Teacher at McMaster University


Nagarathar from Devakottai Mathoor/manaloor

Married with two grown up children (wife and both Children are Doctors)


Activities and Interest:

Medicine & Neurology teaching and Clinical research

Siddha Medicine and Siddhar Books particularly on Thirumandiram

Literature Studies: Tamil and English

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